Vinci: E-bike Tour in Leonardo's Chianti 


Montalbano is the ideal place to immerse yourself and enjoy its rolling Chianti hills. Vinci, the birthplace of Leonardo, the Genius, offers an atmosphere rich in history with its characteristic medieval streets and unique views of the hills of Florence. After a brief initial introduction, during which the functions of the e-bike will be illustrated, you will have the opportunity to explore its features and start enjoying the experience.

Take part in an unforgettable e-bike experience dedicated to lovers of the fine Chianti wine, the undisputed emblem of Tuscan wine excellence. Through a spectacular itinerary among the rolling Chianti hills, you will pedal immersed in the green of the olive trees and among unique vineyards up to the suggestive village of Vinci, birthplace of the great Leonardo.


This trip is designed for Food-Wine Lovers and for lovers of art, history and culture. At the end of this wonderful adventure, tastings of typical food and wine products paired with the renowned Chianti wines of Tuscany await you, completing the experience in a delicious and unforgettable way.

Duration: Approximately 4 - 5 Hours, departure at 9:30


Availability: Every Day

Start and End: Azienda Agricola Montalbano

Destination: Chianti Area, Vinci

Distance: Approximately 25 km / 15 miles





- E-Bike rental with helmet
- Professional cycling guide
- Technical assistance during the tour


Not including:

- Transfer to the starting point
- Everything not included in the "included activities".
- Lunch with wine tasting (about €40 per person, to be paid at the winery)
- Insurance coverage


Please Note: Suggestions
- Sunglasses
- Comfortable clothes
- Sports shoes
- Sandals or flip-flops are not allowed

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