Lucca Hills: E-Bike Tour with Lunch and Wine Tastings


Exploring the hills of Lucca on an e-bike tour adds an exciting dimension to your adventure. Admire the picturesque landscapes as you move effortlessly through vineyards and olive groves. After a short initial introduction, during which the functions of the e-bike will be illustrated, you will have the opportunity to explore its features and start enjoying the experience.

Pedaling among cypress trees, olive groves and vineyards, crossing small enchanted villages that seem suspended in time, is a truly unique experience. The tour reaches its peak with a delicious tasting, offering you the opportunity to savor the fine local wines and enjoy culinary specialties that tell the authenticity of Tuscan cuisine. A perfect combination of adventure, breathtaking views and gastronomic delights, which will completely immerse you in the essence of the magnificent Lucca countryside.

Duration: Approximately 5 - 6 Hours, departure 9:30


Availability: Every Day

Start and End: Farm

Destination: Lucca Hills

Distance: Approximately 25 km / 15 miles




- E-Bike rental with helmet
- Professional cycling guide
- Technical assistance during the tour


Not including:

- Transfer to the starting point
- Everything not included in the "included activities".
- Lunch with wine tasting (about €50 per person, to be paid at the winery)
- Insurance coverage


Please Note: Suggestions
- Sunglasses
- Comfortable clothes
- Sports shoes
- Sandals or flip-flops are not allowed

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