Montecatini Terme: E-bike adventure in Val Di Nievole


The Padule di Fucecchio, once a marshland and now a reclaimed area, stands out for its suggestive sunsets, offering an ideal experience for lovers of nature photography. Continuing our itinerary, we will reach the suggestive Crocialoni lake.

After a short initial introduction, during which the functions of the e-bike will be illustrated, you will have the opportunity to explore its features and start enjoying the experience. Our route, after leaving the suggestive Montecatini Pineta, will wind through charming secondary roads until reaching a picturesque dirt road that will lead us to the Padule area. This stretch of the journey will immerse us among dirt roads and paths along the canals, giving us the opportunity to spot a variety of migratory birds, including Little Egrets, Herons and Coots.

Duration: Approximately 3 Hours, departure 9:30 AM or 4:30 PM


Availability: Every Day

Start and End: Montecatini Terme (Bistrot Il Maialetto)

Destination: Val Di Nievole and Padule di Fucecchio

Distance: Approximately 25 - 30 km / Approximately 15 - 18 miles





- E-Bike rental with helmet
- Professional cycling guide
- Technical assistance during the tour


Not including:

- Transfer to the starting point
- Everything not included in the "included activities".
- Lunch
- Insurance coverage


Please Note: Suggestions
- Sunglasses
- Comfortable clothes
- Sports shoes
- Sandals or flip-flops are not allowed


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