E-bike tour in Lucca: The Walls and Renaissance Villas


Lucca draws on its ancient roots dating back to Roman times, but it was in the medieval period that the city experienced a period of prosperity, emerging as a commercial and cultural center of great importance. Exploring the surrounding countryside offers the opportunity to immerse yourself in the timeless charm of the numerous Renaissance Villas.


With their sumptuous gardens, these historic homes offer an extraordinary emotion, revealing the artistic and architectural richness of a bygone era. After a short initial introduction, during which the functions of the e-bike will be illustrated, you will have the opportunity to explore its features and begin to enjoy the experience

Leaving the majestic walls, our route winds along the suggestive cycle path of the Serchio River. Continuing on fascinating secondary roads, we will cross the renowned Via delle Ville, an itinerary that will lead us to the prestigious Villa Torrigiani. It should be noted that its park was awarded the title of the most beautiful park in Italy in 2018, a true jewel of nature and history. Before taking you back to the city, you can't miss the opportunity to taste a typical Lucca delicacy, a culinary experience offered by us with pleasure.

Duration: Approximately 3 Hours, departure 9:30 AM or 4:30 PM


Availability: Every Day

Start and End: Lucca 

Destination: Lucca Plain and Lucca Hills

Distance: Approximately 30 km / Approximately 18 miles




Please Note: Suggestions
- Sunglasses

- Comfortable clothes
- Sports shoes
- Sandals or flip-flops are not allowed



- E-Bike rental with helmet
- Professional cycling guide
- Technical assistance during the tour


Not including:

- Transfer to the starting point
- Everything not included in the "included activities".
- Lunch

- Entrance Tickets to the villas
- Insurance coverage

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