From Santa Margherita: E-bike Tour along the Italian Riviera


Discover the magic of Portofino riding a bicycle with this extraordinary experience. We will leave from Santa Margherita Ligure station, ready to experience an unforgettable day along our splendid coast.


After a short descent into the center of Santa Margherita, we get on our e-bikes and head towards Portofino, crossing a route of about 5 km. Once we arrive, we park the bicycles to enjoy a short break and immerse ourselves in the unique atmosphere of the famous "piazzetta".


We will continue our journey, this time in the direction of Ruta, passing again through the center of Santa Margherita. We will face a small and short climb of just 6 km which will lead us to Camogli, where we will take a pleasant walk and delight ourselves with the typical Ligurian focaccia.


After lunch, we will head towards San Rocco, where we will visit the suggestive Church of San Rocco and make a short stop at the panoramic point to take some splendid photographs. Our exciting journey comes to an end here. What do you think? We can't wait to start this adventure together! For any doubts or customizations of the route, we invite you to contact us privately.

Duration: 4 Hours, departure 9:30 AM or 4:30 PM


Availability: Every Day

Start and End: Santa Margherita Ligure Train Station

Destination: Portofino and Italian Riviera




Please Note: Suggestions
- Sunglasses

- Comfortable clothes
- Sports shoes
- Sandals or flip-flops are not allowed




- Bike or E-Bike

- Helmet


Not including:

- Transfer to the starting point (only upon request)
- Everything not included in the "included activities".
- Lunch and Extra Costs

Fill in the form to submit your request


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