San Gimignano: Bike tour in the Tuscan Hills


Starting from Certaldo, we will cycle along panoramic and suggestive routes, enjoying the comfort of our e-bikes. We will arrive in San Gimignano, famous for its medieval towers that dominate the panorama.


You will stop to explore the cobbled streets, admire the historic architecture and breathe in the unique atmosphere of this ancient village. But it doesn't end here! Lunch will be an unforgettable experience at the "Enoteca Gustavo", where you can delight in typical local food. You will taste the delicious "pan anointed" with seasonal extra virgin olive oil and conclude with an artisanal ice cream that will satisfy your senses.


After satisfying our palate, we will return to Certaldo, but with one last special stop. Via the cableway we reach Certaldo Alto, the birthplace of Boccaccio, one of the most famous poets in the world. We will visit the places that inspired the great writer and appreciate the cultural legacy that he left over time.


Join us on this unique adventure between history, breathtaking landscapes and gastronomic pleasures. Discover Tuscany in an eco-sustainable way and let yourself be conquered by its beauty without effort and stress.

Duration: 4 Hours, departure 9:30 AM or 4:30 PM


Availability: Every Day

Start and End: Certaldo

Destination: San Gimignano




Please Note: Suggestions
- Sunglasses

- Comfortable clothes
- Sports shoes
- Sandals or flip-flops are not allowed




- Bike or E-Bike

- Helmet


Not including:

- Transfer to the starting point (only upon request)
- Everything not included in the "included activities".
- Lunch and Extra Costs

Fill in the form to submit your request


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