Olive Oil Tour and Tasting in Montecatini Alto


You will discover the absolute excellence, you will have a privileged point of view and you will be able to become more aware consumers. The family management of the company allows to maintain the highest attention to detail, on the quality front we do not compromise. The company strive to trace a new path for the EVO Oil starting from the sustainability of olive cultivation and coming up to the use of the most advanced milling technologies.


Guests will have the opportunity to visit the company in all its aspects: fields, equipment, cellar. The guide will explain the work and dedication needed to produce Extra Virgin Olive Oil of the highest quality with organic methods from truly sustainable agriculture. A thorough tasting of the Oils produced will follow and you will be trained to be more aware oil consumers.

Duration: 2 Hours 


Availability: Every Day




Please Note: Suggestions
- Sunglasses

- Comfortable clothes
- Sports shoes
- Sandals or flip-flops are not allowed




- Private English/French/Italian Speaking Guide

- Final Tasting


Not including:

- Transfer to the starting point (only upon request)
- Everything not included in the "included activities".


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