Vinci: Cooking Class of Local Food in a Tuscan Farm


At this local Tuscan farm, we invite you to live an authentic cooking class experience that will lead you to discover the secrets of Tuscan flavors and homemade pasta.


In Italy, homemade pasta is an ancient art passed down from generation to generation, and here you will have the opportunity to learn the tricks of the trade from locals. With your hands in the dough, you will create two types of fresh pasta, from traditional to the most creative shapes, using seasonal and fresh ingredients coming directly from our gardens. Afterwards, it's right to treat yourself to a well-deserved lunch based on authentic Tuscan delicacies cooked by you! Start with a nice typical Tuscan appetizer, and then enjoy your fresh pasta with its delicious sauce!


Everything will be accompanied by local organic wine, specially chosen to complete the culinary experience. And while you enjoy your meal, enjoy the breathtaking view from our panoramic terrace, immersed in the colors and scents of the Tuscan countryside.


Are you ready for an unforgettable culinary experience? Join this experience and let yourself be won over by the authentic flavors and welcoming atmosphere of Tuscany.

Duration: 2 Hours 


Availability: on Wednesday, Thursday




Please Note: Suggestions
- Comfortable clothes



Brief presentation of the farm.

- Small introduction to the tradition of homemade pasta in Italy.

- Creating 2 types of homemade pasta and sauce.

- Lunch consisting of: starter of the day, 2 types of freshly made pasta, 1/4 local organic wine.

- Water and cover charge included


Not including:

- Transfer to the starting point (only upon request)
Extra Wine

- Pool Access (upon request)



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