Vinci: Wine Tasting & Local Tuscan Food Dinner


Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Tuscan wines with our Wine Tasting Dinner experience. Nestled in the heart of Tuscany, this is your chance to explore the rich heritage and flavors of our local wines like never before.


Join us for an unforgettable evening where you'll discover the fascinating secrets of wine tasting, guided by our knowledgeable experts. Learn about the nuances of aroma, flavor, and texture as you sample three carefully selected wines from our region. But that's not all – your taste buds are in for a treat with a delectable two-course dinner, expertly crafted to complement the unique characteristics of each wine.


Indulge in authentic Tuscan flavors as you dine on dishes inspired by our local cuisine, made with the freshest ingredients sourced from our own gardens. Relax and unwind in the charming ambiance of our venue, soaking in the stunning views of the Tuscan countryside as you sip and savor each exquisite wine and dish.


Whether you're a wine aficionado or a curious beginner, our Wine Tasting Dinner promises an evening of discovery, delight, and unforgettable memories.

Duration: 2 Hours 


Availability: on Tuesday



Please Note: Suggestions
- Comfortable clothes



3-course dinner

- Guided tasting of 3 local wines

- Paired with 2 dishes of Tuscan appetizers and 1 Lasagna.

- Water and cover charge included




Not including:

- Transfer to the starting point (only upon request)
Extra Wine

- Pool Access (upon request)



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