Vinci: Oil Tasting Tour in a Tuscan Farm and Dinner


Immerse yourself in this authentic atmosphere where the warmth of Tuscan hospitality will envelop you in a one-of-a-kind culinary journey.


Join us for an unforgettable evening, where genuine flavors and the passion for extra virgin olive oil come together in a multi-sensory experience. Begin your journey with a presentation of the Tuscan farm, where history and tradition mix harmoniously with innovation. Discover the secrets of extra virgin olive oil production while you walk among the centuries-old olive trees and breathe the fresh air of the Tuscan countryside.


On our panoramic terrace, surrounded by the beauty of the Tuscan landscapes at sunset, enjoy a home-made dinner prepared with local ingredients and authentic love. From the delicious dishes of the kitchen, through the scent of homemade pasta to the exquisite meat with seasonal side dishes, every bite is a journey through the flavors of Tuscany.


During the evening, you will have the opportunity to taste the extra virgin olive oil that we produce with dedication and care, discovering the nuances of taste that characterize our products. An experience that will leave you with indelible memories and the desire to return to the Tuscan Farm again and again.

Duration: 3 Hours 


Availability: on Tuesday




Please Note: Suggestions
- Comfortable clothes



Presentation of the farm

- Presentation and tasting of the extra virgin olive oil we produce.

- Complete dinner based on: Rondinaio starter, homemade pasta with sauce of the day, second course of meat with seasonal side dish, dessert,

- 1/4 local wine.




Not including:

- Transfer to the starting point (only upon request)
Extra Wine

- Pool Access (upon request)



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