
Discover our experiences

in the land of..


Province of Venice

A night in a Luxury Private Location

Create your mask

Early morning photo tour and breakfast

at Caffè Florian

Edipo Re...Culture is what remains after all else has been forgotten

Glass Laboratory with the master

in a famous fornace

Gondola Tour and aperitif in a luxury location


Heli Tour above Venice Lagoon


Hidden Venice by Limo Boat

Model for a day - Venice by Gondola

Tour of artisan craftmaship in venetian botteghe - workshop

Sant'erasmo Bike&Wine and Honey Tasting tour

Province of Asolo

Floral walks, foraging, and cook in nature

Flower design class in the prosecco Hills

Hiking and Tasting in the prosecco hills

Picnic in the vineyard


Gourmet Ski Safari

Heli Tour to Five Towers and Cortina D'ampezzo

Sled Dog Experience

Unforgettable dinner in a mountain chalet

with snowcat experience

Wine tasting and romantic dinner in a luxury wine cellar

Hiking to Sorapis Lake

Cheese making class , lunch in a mountain chalet under the three peaks of Lavaredo and Misurina


Snowracket experience on the World War outpost


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