
Discover our experiences

in the land of..


Province of Genova

Exclusive private boat experience in Tigullio Gulf

Picnic in Portofino between Nature and Gastronomy

Tigullio Foodie Tour

Genova: Emotional Pesto a Palazzo

Panoramic Urban Trekking 

Romantic Camogli

Ligurian "seterie": exclusive shopping among velvets and damasks

Sestri levante: bay of silence, bay of fables and olive tasting

Genova Blue Jeans History Tour

De Andrè Tour

Province of Savona

Ceramic workshop experience

Albenga: Olive Oil Tasting , Museum and  History

Medieval Liguria: Finalborgo Village Tour

The elegant Savona Tour and Food

Cinque Terre

Monterosso: trekking in the vineyards, history and tastings with a visit to the cellar.

Excursion and lunch on board an ancient Leudo

From Santa Margherita to Portofino: E-bike tour along the Italian Riviera

Sestri levante: bay of silence, bay of fables and olive tasting

Province of Sanremo

Sanremo VIP Experience: La Belle Epoque

Taggia & Trioria: the witches villages







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